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Regional Broadband Network of the Rzeszow Conurbation
Rules for using Hot Spot

1. The wireless Internet access points are owned by the commune of Rzeszow city. The access is provided using the infrastructure of the ResMAN Regional Broadband Network of the Rzeszow Conurbation. This network is administered by Office for IT and Telecommunication Services of the Municipal Office of Rzeszow - phone - 017 875 44 91, fax 017 875 44 93, e-mail .

2. This Internet access is not of commercial nature.

3. From reasons of safety, the access to all network services is not provided.

4. To connect mobile equipment to the wireless network, the user must have the Wi-Fi radio appliances, which comply with all standards, i.e., 802.11a/b/g.

5. Office for IT and Telecommunication Services of the Municipal Office of Rzeszow doesn’t support the user directly in the scope of purchasing and configuration of the radio cards. It is not responsible for the compatibility of user’s equipment with the hotspot infrastructure.

6. The Internet network traffic is still monitored and archived.

7. The ResMAN hotspot users are obliged
- not to use the hotspots for activities, which don’t comply with the governing law,
- not to transfer and not to make available contents which don’t comply with the governing law or are protected under the intellectual right law not belonging to the user,
- not to transfer and not to make available contents which could violate any personal properties,
- not to use the access for sending not ordered materials of advertising nature in big numbers, - not to propagate computer viruses and other software which can damage computers of the other Internet users.

8. The Internet access can be denied to a user temporarily or finally in case of activities which don’t comply with the valid law, decency, hazardous for the network etc. In particular, the following activities are prohibited:
a) trying to get access to all network resources without authorization,
b) trying to skip any security tools applied at the wireless access (i.e., changing the IP address, allocated by the DHCP server, application of tunnels etc.),
c) making access and downloading of materials protected by the copyright law (software, films, music etc.) and pornography.
d) using of P2P applications,
e) providing further accessibility using repeaters, routers etc.,
f) operation of service servers at appliances connected to the hotspot points,
g) any other activities which can be considered possibly hazardous for the network.
The decision about the disconnection of the user shall be taken by the duty administrator of the ResMAN network who shall analyze user’s activity in the network.

9. The users are obliged to appropriately secure their computers against access by unauthorized people and to install anti-virus software.

10. These Rules may be changed without notice.

11. Ignorance of these Rules doesn’t release from the liability.

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