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Regional Broadband Network of the Rzeszow Conurbation
Hotspot map

We present you the map with placement and theoretical ranges of the hotspots in the city. Please note, that they are theoretical ranges only, which don’t respect the real vertical terrain shape and building height. For the proper operation of the connection, the direct visibility between the hotspot antenna and user’s antenna is required. Then the range shall be 300 meters or more. In the direct vicinity (to 100 m) the connection to a hotspot is possible without the visibility between the antennas and without user’s external antenna - e.g., on benches in front of the schools or market place gardens.

Reasons of the above-mentioned conditions

Installation of the WLAN (wireless local area network) called also Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), that is, 802.11 b/g (band 2,4 GHz) standard networks, was planned in buildings or the next vicinity thereof. In such conditions, installation of external antennas is not necessary. The life practice has shown, that the common access to and affordable prices of the access and subscribers’ appliances causes that they are commonly applied in open terrains. However, owing to the low power of the senders working in this standard (up to 250 mW), the signal sent by the user to the hotspot must be amplified using an external antenna which is usually installed in the window, balcony or on the roof of the building and connected using a special cable with the Wi-Fi receiving appliance in the house (in computer, but also external receivers without computer connection are used). The panel antennas cost about 60 PLN or more and wireless cards for PC about 80 PLN or more. Professional prepared connection cable costs several dozen PLN. In total, the single investment shall cost about 200 PLN or a little more. Using such a set not only the communal wireless network but all Wi-Fi networks accessible in the surrounding of user’s seat can be used. At present, the wireless access accessories are commonly installed by manufacturers in the mobile computers - laptops - the same applies for new main boards installed in stationary PCs, because the hotspots are generally accessible at companies, in public buildings, at railway stations, in hotels and other public places in the whole world. Due to this Project, also the city of Rzeszow can become an important point on the European hotspot map.

The situation of the 802.11a standard Wi-Fi equipment is considerably better. It is characterized by higher sender power (to 1 W), are broadcasting in the radio band (5 GHz), where more free canals are available (therefore significantly less interferences), with considerable flow rates (in turbo mode to 108 Mb/s in radio track) and in big distances. Also these senders are installed at communal hotspots, therefore not only larger signal receiving distances but also a better work quality are available. In the next stage of the network testing, it shall be used for transmission of the VoIP phone signal. Unfortunately, the prices of the receiving appliances are considerably higher. But also these prices are going down very quickly, e.g., a panel external antenna is available for about 70 PLN, connection cable costs some dozen PLN and the prices of receivers are 2-3 times higher than 802.11b/g. As a consolation: when buying the more expensive appliance 802.11a, providing a better work comfort and distance, you get also the 2 other integrated standards b/g.

And finally, we must emphasize the fact, that the hotspots, which are in operation now, will be extended additionally by the WiMAX standard at the next stage of the communal network construction. This is the revolutionary technology, heralded a long time ago, especially for conurbation areas with high-density housing, where the receivers don’t need to “see” the senders. At the present stage, we can’t apply them from two basic reasons: first, because the equipment manufacturers received the certificates of conformance respected by WiMAX FORUM at the end of 2006/beginning of 2006 when the first ResMAN network construction stage had been executed for some months. The risk of purchasing equipment without the certificates of conformance could expose the city to the risk of unnecessary costs. On the other hand, the manufacturing of WiMAX appliances with certificates is starting up and the large-scale manufacturing can be expected at the end of 2006 and the two next years - it is not advisable to spend considerable sums now, in addition, when the WiMAX subscriber’s equipment costs about 400-450 $, that is, about 1300 -1400 PLN now. Only a few people could afford it. However, after the serial manufacturing is started, the prices will go down very quickly. And even than it’s the time to implement those appliances in the ResMAN network. The most important fact is that Rzeszow, unlike many other Polish conurbations, has its own, protected radio frequencies, which are necessary when using the WiMAX networks.

Summarizing - after finishing the ResMAN network construction, the range of its hotspots shall include the whole city and surrounding thereof and the Internet will be, in addition, mobile. Then, in addition, the external antennas will not be required.

Are you for the further development of the ResMAN network?
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